Front End vs. Back End

Front End vs. Back End

In this blog, we talk about two popular concepts that are thrown around in the web development world – front end vs. back end web development. Marketers today work with web design and development teams regularly. In some organizations, there are separate eCommerce teams that have different functions that come together including front-end, back-end, digital marketing, and merchandising. Let’s lets look more closely at these two jobs (front-end vs. back-end development) are now interacting with […]

Incompetency & Fakeness Is Amplified in the Digital World

In a world where the existing jobs are fewer than the many people who need them, many people will do all it takes to secure jobs, compete, over-promise, lie and come across as someone they are not to get ahead. This is faking incompetency. I work predominately on the world wide web. This is mostly an unregulated open field for anyone and everyone to claim themselves as experts. I am going to go out there […]

3 Go-to Social Media Channels For Technical Brands

In today’s post, I discuss social media marketing that technical, operations-driven, engineering and manufacturing brands should use to get ahead and build their brand. Social media is all about engagement, building relationships, and keeping your existing community happy (and proud) to be associated with you. Community, in this case, means your prospects, existing customers, past clients/customers, employees (and their families), investors, media organizations, vendors, creditors, and more! These are your ‘people’ and your tribe. They believe in the […]

In Your Branding Strategy

In Your Branding Strategy…

In Your Branding Strategy… Start with What & How – Not Why With this blog, we are looking to help businesses understand how to come up with the right sequence for a powerful branding strategy.   Are you a business leader, marketer, or brand owner?  Are you looking to revamp your brand, launch a new product, launch a new business? If you answered yes to these questions, then we hope the analysis we share in […]

Why does Google keep changing its algorithm

Why does Google keep changing its algorithm?

Google has been known to make significant changes to its algorithm each year. Why? Why does Google keep changing its algorithm so regularly? Google’s algorithms (as there are multiple algorithms that actually work together) ensures that search results bring up the most relevant content to a user with the amount of information available on the web. This can be difficult to sift through millions of websites in milliseconds and find exactly what you need that […]

What are Cookies on the internet

What are Cookies (on the internet)?

We are talking about the internet here – so if you got a picture of a chocolate chip cookie pop up in your head – you are not alone. 🍪😋  So what are cookies on the internet (not the ones we eat) exactly? Computer cookies more formally known as HTTP cookies are not physical objects but text files with small pieces of data, like a username and password that are used to identify your computer […]

5 Easy & Impactful Email Marketing Tips You Can Use Right Away

5 Easy & Impactful Email Marketing Tips You Can Use Right Away

5 Easy & Impactful Email Marketing Tips You Can Use Right Away Why market via emails? In today’s blog update, we get into email marketing tips. There are more than 4 billion email users worldwide. This number is far beyond the number of people who use Facebook, Instagram, or other social media sites. So, albeit it might not be the rage amongst millennials, emails have the most extensive reach when it comes to different marketing […]

5 Powerful & Easy Tips On Branding Style Guide

5 Powerful & Easy Tips On Branding Style Guide

5 Powerful & Easy Tips On Branding Style Guide Branding is the cornerstone of effective marketing. Perhaps you’re hearing this for the umpteenth time, but the importance of proper branding can’t be emphasized enough. If you’ve not yet conceptualized branding, it’s crucial that you start by understanding exactly what it entails. Well, on this note, branding simply refers to the marketing practice that involves creating a solid, positive perception of your business in the minds […]

Creating Buyer Personas – Detailed Guide

Creating Buyer Personas – Detailed Guide If you have been in the marketing world, you may have heard the term “buyer persona.” The term is tossed out casually, such that you’d think everyone understands it. In this article, we get into the nuts and bolts of creating buyer personas the right way.  With digital marketing, you can easily target and segment potential clients. Gone are the days when entrepreneurs had to erect billboards hoping to […]

Taking A Deep Dive: Marketing Technical or Complex Engineering Brands (With Examples)

Taking A Deep Dive: Marketing Technical or Complex Engineering Brands (With Examples) So you are wondering how to resonate with your prospects when your brand offers very technical or complex solutions? Marketing strategies and approaches often differ across the board based on the nature of products and services or even industries. To do marketing right requires careful observations, strategizing, and that is well through and planned with good research and expertise. Technical, engineered or complex […]

Videos On Homepage That Work & Video Storytelling Framework (With 5 Examples)

Videos On Homepage That Work & Video Storytelling Framework (With 5 Examples) Why Do Videos On Homepage Work? Let’s face it – videos provide more engagement vs. images and static text or copy any day. Who does not like a powerful and engaging video that makes the whole process of understanding your product or solution easy, entertaining, and efficient? According to Statista – 85% of internet users watch video on their devices in the United […]

3 Proven Methods SEO And Social Media Integrate To Drive Brand Visibility (With Succesful Examples)

3 Proven Methods SEO And Social Media Integrate To Drive Brand Visibility (With Succesful Examples) Opening Thoughts On SEO And Social Media The two of the most in-demand digital marketing tactics are Social Media & SEO: Source: Google Trends SEO generates a lot more search volume and interest on Google than even terms like “digital marketing” Search Engine Optimization & Social Media are hands down two of the most popular and sought after solutions when […]

What Should Businesses Do Today To Establish Trust Online?

What Should Businesses Do Today To Establish Trust Online? Establishing Trust Online With easy access to the internet, businesses have to work harder to establish trust online today more than ever.  While most of the companies all around the world have been trying to gain consumers’ online trust, the truth is that the constant news of online security breaches, identity theft, and major scandals like Facebook-Cambridge Analytica gives this trust a shake, to say the […]

What Is Smart Bidding in Google Ads? What It Is and Why Use It!

What Is Smart Bidding in Google Ads? What It Is and Why Use It! So you might have created a great new website. Your organic traffic is doing ok but might be looking to improve on those visitors by adding a little Google magic to the proceedings.  Here’s where smart bidding in Google ads can help! Google ads are a great way of bump starting your e-commerce and other websites and can effectively increase your […]

5 Simple But Powerful Google Ads Tips – Optimization Strategies for 2021 [Updated For 2021]

5 Simple But Powerful Google Ads Optimization Strategies for 2021 Looking for updated Google Ads Tips to help you make the most of your ads in 2021? Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns are one of the best and fastest ways to get more targeted traffic, new prospects, and to make your brand known. So, it’s not strange to see many marketers trying to create PPC campaigns. However, one of the reasons why many marketers end […]

The Most Powerful Digital Marketing Skills

The Most Powerful Digital Marketing Skills Digital marketing is a rapidly changing field. It is a powerful combination of marketing and information technology that comes together seamlessly to deliver for businesses and brands everywhere. There are a lot of skills digital marketing professionals are required to have these days. Any digital marketing agency will have lots of different experts in their team to deliver projects for their clients. At Web Worx Labs – we know […]

Things You Need to Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)

Things You Need to Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, but most don’t know what it is. “AMP” is a play on the words “amplify” to speed up, in this case, the load times of the site. An AMP is a page created to improve the performance of the mobile web experience by creating fast-loading mobile pages. It is a project announced by Google on 7th October 2015. You […]

Want Your Website To Rank Higher?

Want Your Website To Rank Higher? The first thing that comes to mind when we are confronted with the idea of our website ranking higher, “what is the fastest and easiest way for my website to rank higher?” You have to build trust to rank higher, and trust is a relationship that needs to be consistent over time to develop. In a nutshell – there is no shortcut, and please, for the love of Google […]

10 Strong B2B Marketing Strategies That Will Grow Your Business

10 Strong B2B Marketing Strategies That Will Grow Your Business   Business owners who own B2B companies use traditional marketing activities, which typically involve promotion, advertising or campaigns, publicity sales, and distribution. Companies have used all these traditional means of marketing for years. The truth is that when you have a B2B company, you have multiple marketing strategies that you can use, both online and offline. Most B2B marketers are aware of what they need […]

Get to Know the History of Google Algorithm Updates

Get to Know the History of Google Algorithm Updates     Image Source: Techwyse Google algorithm is a term known by all of those who are in the realm of internet marketing. To provide better search results, Google updates its algorithm every year. However, those not familiar or in the industry may not be aware of its importance. In today’s world, having familiarity and knowing how it can impact a company’s top or bottom line […]