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Social media to build customer relationships

If your B2B company doesn't have a social media plan, you lose out on essential chances to develop relationships with leads and clients. Reaching out to prospective consumers on social media is a reliable approach to establishing a long-lasting customer relationship.

Retarget your customers

Reconnecting with customers who have already interacted with your business is pertinent for B2C marketing. Whenever a customer makes contact with your business, a sequence of events is set in motion. The customer may see an ad for your business the next time they visit any of their socials. Seeing the ad reinforces your brand image and helps them remember your company in the future.

Digital Marketing Term Spotlight


Conversion Optimizer: Conversion Optimizer, popularly known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). It is a function of AdWords that aims to increase the number of conversions in your campaign. CRO is a system for boosting the percentage of website visitors who convert into customers or, more broadly, perform any desired action on a webpage. After completing an initial step, Google will try to spend the entirety of your budget while optimizing conversions. CRO should be compared to ECPC (Enhanced Cost-Per-Click)

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