How to Use LinkedIn for Effective B2B Marketing Watch the video ->


Leverage the power of reviews

The use of reviews and endorsements in B2B marketing is essential. Prospective clients are much more likely to rely on word-of-mouth or written recommendations than they would on any statements made by your company. A simple strategy to edge over competitors is to generate and utilize reviews.

Set up membership programs

With a membership program that mixes rewards and competition, customers are encouraged to engage with your company to advance in the membership tiers. As customers go through membership levels, they have access to more significant benefits, which strengthens their bond with your company.

Digital Marketing Term Spotlight


Organic Traffic: Organic traffic is the "free" traffic sent to your website by Google. It refers to users who arrive at your website from unpaid channels, i.e., free traffic. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are examples of organic sources. Search Engine Optimization is a type of digital marketing focusing on increasing organic traffic.

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