How To Use Quora For Marketing – Ultimate Guide
How To Use Quora For Marketing – Ultimate Guide
Why Quora In 2021 – Statistics
Quora & Reddit are powerful Question & Answer platforms that allow people to answer and ask questions in any specific niche around the world.
Compared to other social media channels – Quora is had on average 300 million active users as of early 2021.
It is one of the most trusted platforms
for knowledge seekers. From celebrities to famous politicians all help answer questions.
Source: Statista
Your Brand On Quora; The Killer Profile
Killer profiles matter at Quora. You showcase your expertise and talk about yourself in ideally 50 words or less. Make sure to include your thought leadership on your brand’s website, whether that is your company or personal blog or website.
Besides after you build trust with showcasing thought leadership and answering questions for knowledge-hungry professionals, they are sure to check out what your business is about. That is when you have earned the right to ask them to check out your page without being too “salesy”!
Here is an example of the killer profile on Quora:
Another great example is Elan Ledoux (personal & professional approach):
Both of these profiles are professional, pack a ton of details, interest and background to entice the person to really get to know them. Quora allows for this and brands or business leaders can and should take advantage of this feature to really make themselves personable, human and share their story in their unique way!
Things to avoid in your Quora profile:
All in one paragraph:
A giant paragraph not broken up will hurt the eyes and deter people from reading it as you are not making it easier for them
Mistakes & Grammar Issues:
I can’t believe I am saying this – but check your grammar. With many free tools out there, you will be surprised that even in today’s day and age, people are still having profiles with basic typos, and grammar mistakes.
Your whole life story
Talk about experiences you want your brand to be associated with.
Talking about getting an A+ on your biology research paper when you were 14 (30 years ago) may not be the ideal thing to mention here 😊.
So choose your words, links, spacing & descriptions wisely. This is what will be your brand that is associated with your company’s brand.
Finding YOUR Niche
This is where it becomes really interesting.
You may feel that your brand is the talk of the town or your product or service solution is something that everyone is raving about (well that may actually be the case, but still let’s not go in with that assumption, unless you can validate it), you may want to find out what answers people are actively seeking.
What does your solution cater to? What values or questions your brand helps with and how you can share those values by answering questions and build a connection and a trust factor.
So from the examples shared above, Elena Ledoux is a mother, a lawyer and an entrepreneur or two projects or brands.
She answers questions related to her experience, very frequently.
She talks about life, answers legal support questions, parenting, success stories and more.
She does not only answer business-related questions or questions directly logical in nature.
In addition, she chooses to answer more broader, general questions on the “how-to” or answers associated with inspiration.
What can really help you determine where the interest levels are associated with your profile, expertise or brand offering:
Sign up for ads. Here we are not walking you through Ad tips for Quora (that is in the section below) but helping you find the right queries or questions that you can answer that are closely related to your expertise and have sufficient demand and search volume.
So when you are answering questions that are high in demand, you are getting the exposure your brand needs!
Setting Up Ads Manager Profile
To sign up for Quora Ads – follow these steps:
- Login to Quora
- In your profile (top right) – click “Create Ad” from menu
- Complete the business profile
The below pop-up appears:
Enter the rest of your billing & business information as per above (we did ours for Web Worx Labs to show you a sample) and hit “Start Advertising”.
Then walk through the ad set up and get to this page:
Starting Your Campaign
Type in search topics that are closely and generally associated with what you want to talk about.
Now you will be asked to validate your email and identity. A verification email will be sent to you and once you have that, you are all set to start using the Quora Ads Manager.
On the top left – select the “New Campaign” Button.
Give Your Campaign A Name (any name given you will not be actually running the campaign) and enter a nominal budget amount.
We recommend choosing “Traffic” as a campaign goal to get
Enter Your Ad Set Name & Update Market Level Targeting
Give your ad set a name (again not important in this scenario given we are looking for trending and high search volume topics).
Pro Tip: when narrowing down your markets, keep it at least at the country level. Unless you are really focused on a narrow market, you want your brand to get exposure as much as possible, so cast a wide net!
& Start searching. Find questions related to your industry, topics or experience. Our recommendation is to go for ones that have at least 1 million impressions on a weekly basis to get an idea of top trending and high-demand items.
Other Ways To Find Interesting Topics On Quora:
For finding high-volume keywords related to your niche, we recommend using tools such as Ahrefs, SEMRush or UberSuggest. These tools provide estimates, and these estimates can vary from tool to tool. So a word of caution here – there is no tool other than Google’s own keyword planner or search console that we recommend to get reliable monthly search volume estimates. In addition, we have paid subscriptions or have had paid subscriptions to these and many other types of SEO Tools.
Or better yet, use Search Console to really determine what you are ranking for and the true impressions for your topic.
Use Google With Your Keyword or Question.
If Quora shows up in the search results for your keyword or question that has a decent search volume, then you know your answer will be getting some visibility if your website won’t or can’t rank on the first page.
You write a well-thought-out, detailed answer (as that is what Quora is about), and over time, as you get more upvotes, your answer will show up on the Google search results page.
Now you are ranking on Google without doing SEO on your own site! How awesome is that?
Related: Learn The Basics of SEO & How You Can Do It Yourself
Related: Our SEO Services
Don’t Sell (Too Much)
We do not recommend that you have links with every answer that you put on Quora back to your site or channel or feed.
Only place it where and when it makes sense and it will actually help people learn the answer to the question even better like showing a great example or providing additional resources.
Saying things like “read the rest” in my blog or YouTube Channel or Instagram does not build trust and people on Quora do not want to be sold to.
They want answers to their troubling questions or want confusions alleviated. So, work to help not sell.
Besides, your profile is already a great source for links that people will go to once they build trust in your relationship. Showcase your other work and projects or business there, not in the middle of the section.
Marketing Manager Tips & Tactics
Start Answering
Like any other social media tool, you have to have the goal to engage vs. sell to really get a good exposure.
Quora is a question-and-answer website – and nothing will give you more exposure than working on answers to questions that you are deeply knowledgeable and passionate about.
Ask Questions
We recommend that you ask questions once you have built a profile and some followings. However, you can do it in the early days if the question is interesting or in-demand enough.
Be warned, you may ask a question, but may not receive answer because people may not be vested in answering a question that does not have high demand. So do your research and ask questions that will allow others to gain from answering at the same time.
Like anything else, it is a give or takes relationship.
Keep the content flowing.
You can engage with others and find prospective buyers or customers or influencers you want to build a relationship with to answer questions you have.
Repurpose Content
Have you written about a particular topic or done a recent webinar on your expertise or brand offering.
Well, re-use that content to answer questions and share the same insights for your audience that is more active on Quora than other platforms.
The more you share your expertise in your niche across different platforms in different ways, the more opportunities your brand gets exposed to and isn’t what all this effort is about?
Here is an example of a powerful way to answer a question (use graphics, designs and research to build trust):
Elena has over 16K views in 3 months and has been upvoted 32 times.
How cool is that graphic? It entices and helps you gravitate towards it with the beautiful colour display.
Detailed answers using existing content builds trust and gives your brand exposure. Talkwalker received 16K impressions because of this well-written answer.
This answer does link back to their site, but I feel that they have earned it with their great answer and awesome graphic.
This answer would also be a great contender to be used as an ad to show up on people’s feed who show interest in their solution given the design the way it was answered.
Make A Connection or 1,000
Like any other platform, there are people who have invested heavily in this social platform vs. others. There are people who have a deep audience and following because of the content that they have shared on the platform. These influencers are key for your brand or answers to get exposure.
To reach out to them, like any other networking platform, follow the above tips and tactics we have outlined earlier and then only reach out to them once you have had a following.
These influencers have a standard that they must maintain when they showcase their trust in others to have others continue to follow and trust them in return.
Help make it easier for them by first building your audience, showcasing deep thought leadership, expertise and following before looking to connect.
One of the few ways you can get on their radar is using the following tactics:
- Answer questions that they frequently also answer if it is related to your brand as well
- Answer questions that they ask in a deep and meaningful manner
- Reference & link your answers to their answers to give a shoutout for a great answer that they have done in the past
Once and a few of these tactics are done, then ask a question and invite them to answer. You could do it before, but it may come across as less “earned” than if you follow the above steps first.
Check out the answer for yourself here.
Building reach & influence on Quora Ads is easy to do with their Ads Manager. Promote your answers and get the exposure your brand needs with various targeting options on Quora.
Quora has been evolving their ads solutions by providing options for targeting.
You can now target by:
- Contextual Targeting: showing your ads to specific topics, keywords or questions
- Audience Targeting: Upload your contact list and target people that look like your existing customers (pretty powerful stuff)
- Behavioural Targeting: Retargeting and shows based on interest is possible with this option
- Broad level targeting: Great way to reach impressions and broad general awareness type campaigns can be executed with this option
Source: Quora Ads Manager – Targeting Options
Quora advertising also allows for the pixel that is needed for retargeting (just the same way as Facebook allows for a pixel for tracking visitors, events and goals).
A lot more options for advertising can be explored once you sign into the Ads Manager.
Related: Our Pay Per Click Ad Management Services
Business Profiles On Quora
Business profiles as of early 2021 are still in beta mode.
There is a review and approval process for business profiles can be created. Everything from logo and branding needs to be submitted for Quora before you can create a business page on Quora.
You cannot write reviews as a business until your profile is approved. The approval process takes 1 to 2 business days between Monday to Friday during business hours in the United States.
There are a whole host of restrictions and limitations that come with the business profile such as:
- You cannot create Quora Ads with a business profile (for ads, you must use an individual profile)
- They can only be created on desktop or laptop devices (not mobile or tablets)
You can learn about the whole host of specific requirements on the Business Profile Set Up With & Its Beta Mode here.
You can also read about business profiles frequently asked questions on their FAQ Section
Write Blogs Right on Quora
Like LinkedIn, Medium or other social platforms that allow for blog publications, Quora has a natural fit in the right blogs.
Blogs are there to showcase your interest, trust, passion and thought leadership at the same time. The more you can do that in a form of a blog, the more views you can get with blogs.
Join A Space On Quora
Spaces are alike communities on Facebook or Groups on LinkedIn.
They allow for communities to form based on shared interests. Lots of questions and answers are provided in spaces. Ads are placed here that are very contextually relevant and at the same time a great way for brands to connect with their enthusiast and early adaptors.
You can find recommended spaces from your browsing history that Quora will recommended here:
Cross-Promote Your Quora Answers On Other Social Channels
At Web Worx Labs, we do this a lot. Whenever we write a great piece of content that required a significant investment in time, we make sure to promote it on social media.
This is true when we post a blog on LinkedIn directly or even Quora directly. There is no harm in directing your fans and followers who can benefit from your blogs on another channel as long as it will help them.
And that is the goal with cross-promotion, you are looking to share insights and value that you believe your target audience can and will benefit from.
Find New Innovations & Products In Your Offering
Quora is a great place to explore people’s frustrations or gauge demand for solutions based on the question and answer that is being asked in the platform.
Like Reddit, people ask questions or showcase frustration to their problems based on their immediate need for resolutions or feed their curiosity.
Grow Your Business Exposure With Quora
Whether you are an e-commerce store or a complex business offering advanced engineering solutions – there is an audience for you to introduce your brand to on Quora.
Writing detailed answers that showcase expertise, trust and confidence will allow you to build instant credibility in your industry.
Finding areas that are high in demand that you provide answers to will then also give you instant exposure that you deserve.
Use the tips and tactics we laid out for you above to target the 300 Million users and craft out your niche on Quora Today.
Need Help – Reach Out
Need help with Quora Ads or creating an optimized profile that really helps you stand out?
Our digital marketing experts can help!
We will work with you to set up the Pixel, profile or anything in between for Quora.
Get in touch with us here.